Valerio è nato nel 2000 (ha sedici anni e frequenta la terza liceo a Nizza Monferrato) e, oltre al primo premio del concorso Europeo per Giovani Scienziati ha vinto altri premi inerenti alla tecnologia e alla fisica (nazionali o di carattere locale). 

LaserWAN, una tecnologia laser a basso costo per portare alta banda di rete in luoghi remoti o poco connessi

LaserWAN is a revolutionary technology that uses the infrared rays emitted by specific lasers to convey a high-speed internet connection even to the most isolated places in the world, thus reducing the Digital Divide. LaserWAN is able to bring everywhere a 500Mbit/s Internet connection by mounting special transceivers on the top of high-voltage lines pillars which convey electricity from the power distributions plants in the vicinity of big cities (usually provided of optical fiber networks) to smaller villages. In this way, the Internet connection is conveyed on the power lines using laser beams that can replace an optical fiber, with the same signal quality and without needing expensive excavations. LaserWan is a green solution because laser beams do not emit any kind of EMC pollution.
