Simona Caraceni is interested in new media communication and multimediality, and since '94 has been involved in new media and new technology in communications and art. She taught at the Universities of Bozen, Milan, Florence, Macerata and Bologna. Freelance journalist, she's a columnist and leader writer for Artribune and some other newspapers and publications. She wrote a book about virtual museum in 2012, and over 50 scientific papers.
PhD at the Planetary Collegium of the University of Plymouth (UK), her research activity is concerned with virtual museums, man-machine interfaces, multimediality and multimodality, and new media languages of communication in heritage field. In the field of applied research she works on the opportunities of online communication, multimedia and multimodal interfaces, augmented reality, communication heritage and e-learning with University of Bologna, City Council of Bologna, Regional Council of Emilia Romagna and actually at Visit Lab of Cineca. Member of the Executive Board of AVICOM from 2009 to 2019, elected as Vice President of AVICOM in 2013 and General Secretary in 2016, she has been as well the coordinator of the italian commission “Audio-Visuals and new Technology" for ICOM-Italy from 2007.

Caserta Royal Palace: a heritage in network

Caserta Royal Palace in the aim of promoting its heritage has become a “playground” to experiment innovative technologies in 3D reconstruction, big data and sentiment analysis. Starting from the modeling of the “Terrae Motus” exhibition, the project aims at the creation of a “sentiment room” where it will be possible to browse all the digital contents, and sentiments, about the Royal Palace.
