• Conferenza GARR 2018



       GARR Conference is the annual meeting of users, operators and managers of the Italian national education and research network aimed at sharing experiences and comments on the use of the network as a tool for research, training and culture, in different contexts and disciplines.



Temi della conferenza    

Temi della conferenza    

The core themes of this editions are data, artificial intelligence and technology transfer both towards the enterprises and single persons. We will talk about open data and services, cybersecurity, industry 4.0 and its relations with research and innovation. We will discuss how education should be rethought in order to keep the pace with the continuous evolution of ICTs, also with the help of these very same technologies.   


Corsi di formazione   

Corsi di formazione   

On 1-2 October there will be several training opportunities for GARR user community. These courses span from classes dedicated to trainers (Moodle: how to manage a course e How to create and disseminate educational material online), to courses on Public Speaking, on cybersecurity (PenTest & Rooting) and on networking (Software Defined Network). For registrations to these training courses, go to the Learning GARR platform.    


3 ottobre 2018

Andrea Cioffi

Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Nato a Massa, da sempre vive a Salerno. Nel 1990 si laurea in Ingegneria Civile Edile all'Università Sapienza di Roma e dal 1992 pratica la libera professione di ingegnere nei settori idraulico e energetico. Dal 1998 al 2002 è consigliere dell'Ordine degli ingegneri di Salerno. Ha fatto il volontario con Emergency per la costruzione di un ospedale in Afghanistan e con un centro di cardio-chirurgia in Sudan. Eletto al Senato della Repubblica alle politiche del 2013 tra le fila del Movimento 5 Stelle e rieletto nel 2018, è stato nominato a giugno scorso Sottosegretario di Stato al Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico nel Governo Conte.

Born in Massa, he has always lived in Salerno. In 1990 he graduated in Civil Engineering at the Sapienza University of Rome and from 1992 he was freelance engineer in the hydraulic and energy sectors. From 1998 to 2002 he was councilor of the Order of Engineers of Salerno. He volunteered with Emergency to build a hospital in Afghanistan and a cardio-surgery center in Sudan. Elected to the Senate of the Republic in 2013 with membership in the Movimento 5 Stelle, and re-elected in 2018, he was appointed last June Undersecretary to the Ministry of Economic Development in the Conte Government.





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